My Body is a Monument

Jan - Jun. 2021

  • Dafna Shalom

    Zaudito Yosef Seri

    Mimi Tesema Sibaho

    Kidan -Abekyelesh Belay

    Salam Mamusha

    Esther Akepan

    Marwa Abdelkader

    Ameera Ziyan

    The exhibition My Body is a Monument, proposes to examine the various aspects of artists’ subjective identities as a flexible rather than a rigid continuum, which produces a multilayered fabric of identities that make up Israeliness without solidifying it.
    The artists presenting in the exhibition open a window onto the personal and collective experience of being a woman and an artist from a different community in Israeli society. Each maneuvers between her unique biography and a feminist political discussion, as well as critical reflection about her community and Israeli society in general. Most highlight the human body and use it to examine the different and similar, their exclusion and belonging. At the same time, they do not ignore issues of ethnicity, sexuality, gender and race. All the artworks, therefore, covey concepts of multilayered identity and protest against the shallowness of their subsuming under any monolithic social category, be it “Ethiopian”, “Druze”, “Bedouin” or “asylum seeker”.

    • Dafna Shalom

      Zaudito Yosef Seri

      Mimi Tesema Sibaho

      Kidan -Abekyelesh Belay

      Salam Mamusha

      Esther Akepan

      Marwa Abdelkader

      Ameera Ziyan

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    Curator: Idit Toledano
    Exhibition Design: Studio Esh-Binimov
    Web Design: Nadine Rotem-Stibbe
    Web Development: Théo Goedert


    Gallery is Closed
